
Vaagdevi Degree & P.G. College is one among the oldest and prestigious educational institutions in Telangana State catering to the higher educational needs of the region. It was established in 1993 by Viswambhara Educational Society and affiliated to Kakatiya University. The College is managed by the eminent educationalists and social workers who are dedicated to the cause of imparting quality and value based education to the people of the State. The college was started in 1993 with meagre strength of 40 students, slowly and steadily the college expanded in terms of courses as well as student strength and today it is considered as one among the premier colleges in Telangana State.

The College is located at Kishanpura, Hanamkonda at the heart of the city and easily accessible from any corner of the city. Goddess Saraswathi Temple in the campus gives inspiration to students, management, faculty and employees. Apart from teaching, the college is committed to develop all round personality of students which helps them to enter the real world with confidence and motivation. Regular Skill Development and Training Programmes are arranged through internal faculty as well as external training agencies. The Training and Placement cell of the college also provides career guidance to students and provides the value added programmes beyond the syllabus.

Examination System Rules & Guidelines

All Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses follow semester pattern with respect to Teaching and Evaluation process. The Academic year is divided into Two Semesters. Each Semester has two Internal Examinations and End-Semester Examination.

Choice Based Credit System (Cbcs):

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) is introduced in the college for both UG & PG from the Academic Year 2016 – 2017


Elective Course allows the flexibility in education system – choice for students to select from the prescribed offered papers. Offers opportunities and avenues to learn beyond the core subjects for holistic development of an individual and allows easy mobility of the students. Makes education broad-based and at par with global standards.

Outline Of Choice Based Credit System:

Core Course: To be compulsorily studied by a student as a core requirement to complete the requirement of a programme in a said discipline of study. Elective Course is a course which can be chosen from a pool of papers

  • Generic Elective: Unrelated discipline/subject
  • Discipline centric: Main discipline/subject
  • Ability Enhancement Course
  • Ability enhancement Compulsory Course: For Knowledge enhancement (mandatory)
  • Skill Enhancement Courses: value-based and skill-based
  • SEC papers Max Marks:50 (Int:10 ESE:40).

Cbcs Guidelines:

  • Minimum 40% is a Pass Mark
  • SGPA Shown in Semester Grade Report (No SGPA if fail in any one of the paper)
  • CGPA is awarded after passing in all 6 semester papers
  • SEC Grade will be Included in SGPA & CGPA
  • No Part I & Part II Separation in final Results
  • Only Grades & Credits indicated in the Grade Report
  • NOTE: Marks will not be shown in Grade report

Grades and Grade Points:

Marks Grades Grade Point
85 and Above O 10
70 – 85 A 9
60-70 B 8
55-60 C 7
50-55 D 6
40-50 E 5
Less than 40 F 0

Under Graduate Programmes Examination System

Examination system has two components –Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) & End Semester Assessment (ESA).

Theory Papers:

Total Marks: 100 (20 for CIA and 80 for ESA)

Total Marks: 25 ( for ESA)

Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

a. Theory Papers

Internal – I Examination – 20 marks

Internal – II Examination – 20 marks

b. Practical Papers

Practical Exam: 25 marks (Viva- voce, Record submission, Execution) End Semester Assessment (ESA)

a. Theory Papers

Written Examination for each subject is conducted for 80 marks with duration of 3 hours. Students have to secure a minimum of 32 marks (40%) out of 80 in End Semester Examination and a total of 20(CIA+ESA) marks out of 100 marks to pass in every subject.

b. Practical Papers

Practical Examination for each subject is conducted for 25 marks with duration of 3 Hours.
Students have to secure a minimum of 10 marks (40%) out of 25 in End Semester Practical Examination.

Promotion Rules

S.No. Semester Conditions to be fulfilled for Promotion
01 From Sem – I to Sem – II Should have undergone a regular course of study of Sem-I and applied for Sem-I examinations
02 From Sem – II to Sem – III a)Should have undergone a regular course of study of Sem – II and
b)The number of backlogs if any of Sem- I & Sem- II together shall not exceed 50% of total No. of papers prescribed for Sem- I & II
03 From Sem – III to Sem – IV Should have undergone a regular course of study of Sem- III and applied for Sem- III Examinations
04 From Sem – IV to Sem – V a) Should have undergone a regular course of study of Sem- IV and
b) The number of backlogs if any of Sem- I, II, III & IV together shall not exceed 50% of total No. of papers prescribed for Sem– I, II, III & IV
05 From Sem – V to Sem – VI Should have undergone a regular course of study of Sem- V and applied for Sem- V Examinations.

Note: If the student has not submitted the examination application for the semester examinations due to any reason he/she has to repeat the semester..

Revaluation Rules

Within 10 days from the date of declaration of results, student has to apply for revaluation by paying specified amount mentioned in the revaluation notification. The application has to be submitted in a prescribed format along with the fee receipt and photocopy of the memo. The revaluation results will be declared within 30 days( by the affiliating university) from the last date of the revaluation form submission.

Post Graduate Programmes

Examination system has two components – Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End Semester Assessment (ESA).

Theory Papers:

Total Marks: 100 (20 for CIA and 80 for ESA)

Practical Papers:

Total Marks: 25 ( 25 for ESA)
Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

a. Theory Papers

Internal – I Examination – 20 marks
Internal – II Examination – 20 marks

b. Practical Papers

Practical Exam: 25 marks (Viva- voce, Record submission, Execution) End Semester Assessment (ESA)

a. Theory Papers

Written Examination for each subject is conducted for 80 marks with duration of 3 hours. Students have to secure a minimum of 32 marks (40%) out of 80 in End Semester Examination.

b. Practical Papers

Practical Examination for each subject is conducted for 25 marks with duration of 3 Hours. Students have to secure a minimum of 10 marks (40%) out of 30 in End Semester Practical Examination.

Promotion Rules

S.No. Semester Conditions to be fulfilled for Promotion
I From Sem – I to Sem – II Should have undergone a regular course of study of Semester – I and applied for Semester – I Examinations
II From Sem – II to Sem – III a) Should have undergone a regular course of study of Semester– II and
b) The number of backlogs if any of Semester–I & Semester –II together shall not exceed 50% of total No. of papers prescribed for Semester– I& II
III From Sem – III to Sem – IV Should have undergone a regular course of study of Semester– III and applied for Semester– III Examinations

Revaluation Rules

Within 10 days from the date of declaration of results, student has to apply for REVALUATION, by paying specified amount mentioned in the REVALUATION notification .The application has to be submitted in a prescribed format along with the fee receipt and Xerox of memo. The revaluation results will be declared within 30 days from the last date of the recounting form submission

Results Declaration & Award Of Degree (Ug & Pg)

End Semester Examination Results are declared by the affiliating university through the University Website. (www.kuonline.co.in)
The Final Degree is awarded by the kakatiya University on submission of Degree in Absentia form.

Proceedure (Mechanism) For The Conductind Examinations

  • INTERNAL and SEMESTER END theory and practical examinations of degree and P.G courses will be conducted in the college on the overall supervision of the PRINCIPAL and Incharge of Examinations.
  • D-forms will be downloaded a day in advance from kakatiya university site.
  • Invigilators for the examination will be appointed by the principal for smooth conduct of the examination.
  • Question papers will be downloaded from the kakatiya university site in the presence of principal at the exam branch 10 minutes before commencement examination.
  • Question papers will be printed in the examination branch and placed in envelopes based on the seating arrangement
  • Envelopes containing question papers will be issued to the concerned invigilators at the specified time.
  • The students must bring their hall tickets to the examination hall every day. The invigilators must identify the student candidature and allow student to the examination hall
  • The invigilators must sign/initial the main answer sheet and on photo nominal rolls.
  • written answer sheets will be returned by invigilators to the examination branch.
  • Examination branch shall verify the scripts based on D-forms and pack them according to the d-form sent such packets to kakatiya university.

To maximize transparency and efficiency in examination related grievances, the college has a Convener/Incharge Examination committee, appointed by the Principal. During examinations, the incharge acts as the Incharge of Examinations and looks after the entire system of examinations. The internal and external examination schedule is communicated to the students by displaying the time table on college website, information corner of the college as well as circulation through internal groups by the mentors.

For the grievances regarding internal tests, the students can complain about any aberration in the result, within two days of declaration of result to the concerned faculty. If the grievance is still unresolved, the students can contact the concerned HOD, who in turn look into the matter, resolve, and in case the grievance is against HOD, students can contact the incharge of Examinations. However, if the student is still unsatisfied, student can contact the Principal, who is the highest authority to resolve any issue related to the internal examinations. The awards and the attendance details are sent to the parents/guardians of the student through SMS. The students are informed regarding the requisite formalities of assessment of project reports or seminars (wherever required) by providing the required details on notice boards as well as departmental notice boards, well in advance. They are assigned guides/supervisors for project works and given deadlines for completion of various stages of the project work. The HOD monitors the completion of the work and ensures that the deadlines are duly followed. Every project, seminar, and assignment is time bound and rules for evaluation are conveyed to the students well in advance. Any grievance regarding projects, assignments, and internships, is resolved by the Examination Grievance Redressal Committee in presence of the concerned teacher and HOD. The committee promptly deals with mistakes or errors related to attendance or assessment of the students.

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