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Quality Policy

The quality policy of Vaagdevi Degree & PG Colleg is derived from the vision of the college, which aims at to achieve academic excellence by providing Skill enhancing and value enriching education, which helps not only the growth of the individual student but also enable us to become a rich source for the Nation building by offering for talented youth to the society.

Our Institution strives hard to provide a perfect platform to meet world class challenges. By inculcating the innovative learning methods with a unique diversified curriculum and also by adopting a need based approach in academics while giving priority to moral and ethics which shapes the individual to be fit for ever-changing global environment.

We work hard to Empower women through all-rounded and integrated education and preparing them for excelling in leadership and functional roles at home, society, organisations and country and enabling them to live up to their full potential’.

In compliance with the UGC guidelines, which emphasize the necessity of an internal mechanism for sustenance, assurance and enhancement of the quality in education by Higher Education Institutions, this quality policy document is set by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college.

This policy also acknowledges the significance of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), which emphasizes that "students have a unique role to play in ensuring the quality of Higher Education Institutions. " The college's quality policy upholds the guarantees of students' "right to quality education" and places a high value on the instruction that students "demand quality education and demonstrate their commitment to quality education by accepting their responsibilities."

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college framed this quality policy, and the college's Governing Body approved it and gave their unwavering support to it.

Objectives Of The Quality Policy
  • To support, foster, and uphold the institutional culture that is in line with the college's mission and vision and capable of adopting ethical practices and conducting an honest, open, and critical self-evaluation.
  • To put in place and maintain a Quality Management System (QMS) that will guarantee the adherence to guidelines.
  • To establish the conditions that will encourage and facilitate a raise in the standard of instruction through professional development opportunities and programs, human resource management initiatives, etc,.
  • To empower faculty and staff by encouraging them to refresh their knowledge periodically in order to match the demands of the real world in teaching and learning perspectives.
  • To establish the framework for enhancing the standard of instruction by ensuring the best possible use and availability of learning resources and by regularly assessing and evaluating co-curricular, extracurricular, and teaching-learning activities.
  • To offer assistance and a dynamic environment for teaching and learning that promotes student success and retention.
  • To offer channels for student and stakeholder feedback so that it can enhance its services.
  • To create and uphold a quality assurance system that guarantees the College's ongoing enhancement of its instruction, learning, and support systems.
  • To create a management information system that encompasses quantifiable quality improvement parameters in order to facilitate the efficient administration of quality assurance.
  • To create, execute, and keep an eye on benchmarks, standards, and/or targets for every activity area as deemed suitable.
  • To create a cycle of integrated planning and quality assurance that serves as a roadmap for all college operations and is successfully communicated throughout the organization.
  • Arranging and delivering instruction and training to increase employees' ability to sustain continuous improvement systems.
  • To uphold accountability and responsibility in all interactions with the government, students, teachers, staff, and local communities.
  • Create a gym.
Policy Statement

This policy is an expression of the college's desire and commitment to achieve excellence in education through ongoing service quality improvement and constant improvement of performance standards in line with the college's vision and missions. The college will accomplish this by fostering quality including management, teaching faculty, and all staff, with the aid of a transformational approach that will allow students to realize their full potential and by providing the best possible care for them and other stakeholders.

Vaagdevi guarantees that the caliber of its operations, services, and the practices and procedures it employs are "fit for purpose" and adhere to and maintain the appropriate academic standards. Processes, practices, resources, and services pertaining to teaching, learning, and research; assessment and evaluation; academic support and student advancement; interactions with stakeholders and the community; governance and leadership; and the adoption of innovations are among the specific areas of quality assurance commitment.

To ensure that the college's vision and missions are fulfilled, VD&PGC employs evaluative mechanisms to track, examine, measure, and enhance the quality of delivery in all areas, including the academic and administrative sectors. The formal scheduled periodic review for continuous improvement will also apply to these mechanisms.

The college will actively take part in the initiatives the university takes regarding curricular aspects as an affiliated college of the university.

Implementation Of Quality Policy

In order to help and fulfill the promises made in the quality assurance policy statement, the college established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) to serve as the driving force for achieving excellence through continuous quality improvement in compliance with University / UGC guidelines.

IQAC has been set up with the following composition:

Name of the Person Designation Position
Dr.A.Sheshachalam Principal Chairman
Dr.G.Raja Prasad HOD in Physics & Electronics Coordinator
Dr.Ch.VahiniDevi Director Academics, Vaagdevi Colleges Administrative Officers
Dr.P.Harender Reddy HOD in Botany & Coordinator Academics Coordinator Vice - Principal
Dr.G.Vikram Dean, Life Sciences Member
Dr.S.Mahender Kumar HOD in MBA Programme Member
Dr.C.Govinda Rao Course Coordinator in Chemistry Member
Dr.C.Padmavathi HOD in Zoology Member
Sri.K.Sridhar HOD in Computer Science Member
Smt.S.Rajitha HOD in Chemistry Member
Sri.C.Dattatreyulu HOD in Commerce & Business Management Member
Sri.K.BalaRaju HOD in Statistics Member
Smt.K.HimaBindu HOD in Biotechnology Member
Sri. T.Rajeshwar Rao Faculty In Commerce Member
Dr.A.Srinivas Reddy Faculty In Chemistry Member
Dr.P.Sugunakar Reddy Faculty in MBA Member
Sri.M.Narasimha Murthy Faculty in Physics Member
Sri.Vinod Goel Industrialist Chairman
Sri.P.Narayana Office incharge Member
Mohammed Shakeel Student Representative MPCs VI Semester
Miss.Vaishnavi Student Representative BBA VI Semester
Bhavani Shankar Student Representative M.Sc(Physics) IV Semester

IQAC may be expanded as needed by adding additional members. In order to facilitate improvements in particular areas or functions, IQAC may also establish and promote quality circles. The college's internal system for organizing, directing, and overseeing its Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) initiatives will be the IQAC. It will be a participative and facilitative organ that, by developing intervention strategies to eliminate flaws and improve quality, becomes a catalyst for bringing in quality. Its initiatives will be focused on the future and will build the required organizational culture through the implementation of transformations needed for change.

The Primary functions expected of IQAC according to NAAC.

  • Development and application of quality bench marks.
  • Parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the Institution.
  • Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality related institutional processes.
  • Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participating teaching and learning process.
  • Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders.
  • Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion.
  • Documentation of the various programmes / activities leading to quality improvement.
  • Acting as a modal agency of the institution for coordinating quality related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices.
  • Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS to maintain / enhancing the institutional quality.
  • Periodical conduct of Academic and Administrative Audit and its follow up.
  • Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per Guidelines and parameters of NAAC.
  • Create a gym.